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Selasa, 19 Juli 2022


Tebu hotel - Bandung

Oh dear, it's been more than half year but I haven't finish my blog post on my trip to Bandung *sighed* Okay this time, I would like to give quick review about the three stars hotel there. 

First of all, when my friend and I were planning to go to Bandung, we decided that we need to be honest to each other. Here goes, our consideration before finally choose the hotel:

- I don't have the luxury like unlimited BUDGET. I told my friend about that. I gave her the specific range, how much I would like to spend for the accomodation. 

Why is this important? When your friend has unlimited budget or the other way around (in short, just as limited as mine), then your friend will know what to expect. Staying in a 5 stars hotel or probably guest house, everything should be discussed together. 

Kamis, 23 Juni 2022


Bellamie Boulangerie Bandung

When you are traveling, prepare not only budget but also a very big and elastic stomach to contain all those delicious food and coffee along the way. You know, I didn't remember this restaurant on our long wish list. The reason, not because they gives bad services or bad food, but simply because it wasn't new. Many people who loves to go to Bandung know about this restaurant. However, on that night, before going back to the hotel, my friend decided to go there and get some pastries. There is nothing more fun to talk all night long with your friend accompanied by pastries. Plus, we were about to meet another friend who worked in Bandung.

Previously we have our early dinner... that seems going to be dinner round 1:

Jumat, 10 Juni 2022


Cafe hopping in Bandung was definitely on our list during our short staycation in Bandung. Here are the list so far that I manage to write down in this blog:  

De.U Coffee


Two Cents


Otten Coffee 


Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

And now, we finally visit the Instagramable coffee shop and restaurant at Merindu. Merindu in English is miss. Maybe their wish that all visitors will miss going back to this canteen and coffee. .

Well, that sort of true for me and my friend. We visited here last November 2021 and love the ambiance there. Early in the morning, we visited Tjimanoek 43 and for the second stop, we decided this would be the one. This canteen is on one location with The House Tour Hotel - DOWNTOWN, and we were sort of thinking should we stay here or not? But, we chose other but located not far from jalan Riau; which is the main tourist attraction all there. I will tell you about the hotel later. 

This hotel and canteen is a bit hidden from the main street. They don't have many spacious area, so this is probably going to be a problem if you bring your own car. All rooms seems located at second floor. The kitchen also located on second floor along with indoor and outdoor and semi outdoor area for dine in.

Kamis, 28 April 2022


Pastry at Kumari Bake and Brew

This pastry shop was actually the very place that my friend wish to visit on our arrival in Bandung. Unfortunately for us, at that time they closed due to stock checking and internal control. They informed my friend that the shop would be opened around noon. DARN... In the end, we both decided that we would visit before going home to Jakarta. The location is not too far from the travel car anyway. And we did just that and really regretted that this was our final destination. 

Here are the list that I have posted :

De.U Coffee


Two Cents


Otten Coffee 

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Rabu, 27 April 2022


Tjimanoek 43

Another coffee shop that open early in the morning, and they are ready to serve you not only coffee but also breakfast. So, if you happen to be in Bandung on vacation, a bit tired after morning walk then this is one of those coffee shops that you should visit. 

Others coffee and eateries are:



Two Cents


Otten Coffee 

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Senin, 25 April 2022


Two Cents - second floor

When my friend suggested to cafe hopping here, I was a bit indecisive. I have been there two years ago, so I would rather visit other coffee shop or restaurant. HOWEVER, when I check out their Instagram account...immediately I changed my mind. They have moved to another location and looks awesome. With old house and big tree in front of their coffee shop, that would be awesome place to visit. Okay, not going to lie, for taking photos too... assuming I still have energy left. 

The others are :

 DE. U Coffee 


Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Merindu Canteen & Coffee


Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Otten Coffee Robot Barista 

Rabu, 20 April 2022


KIN+ Coffee & Eatery

Another quick post about my short getaway in Bandung last November with my friend. Other posts you can find them (in English and other in Indonesian)

De. U Coffee

Two Cents 

Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Merindu Canteen & Coffee


Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Otten Coffee Robot Barista

After my friend and I spent our first morning in Bandung, at almost 12.00 PM we decided is time to move on to another cafe. And next on our list, is Kin+ ; which is not too far from our hotel. When we arrived, thankfully there was only 1-2 visitors inside. It means, my friend and I could take photos like crazy. If you ever visit this eatery, then you should take a picture in front of their iconic entrance gate. And no, the first photo above is not their entrance gate.

Selasa, 19 April 2022


De. U Coffee Bandung

Do you know what I like about Bandung? Their coffee shops open very early in the morning, around 07.00 AM. Not many coffee shops in Jakarta willing to open that very early in the morning. Most of them open at the earliest around 09.00 AM. I know that because whenever I wish to have my early coffee and order them through apps... they are still not open...  Okay, not that I will die if I don't have a cup of coffee in the morning since I'm not really a coffee person. But, it's really irritating when you wish to have something hot, either coffee or chocolate...and can't seems to find one that already open. 

So, in the middle of November, I finally went to Bandung with my foodie friend. Since I'm really bad in making eatinerary, my friend then make one for us. I was a bit surprise to see her long list as we planned to stay one night only. But on her list, we probably need to extend our stay for another day. So, I was like ... are you sure we would be able to go to all of these coffee shops and restaurants? Though all of them located not far from our hotel, but still...can we really make it? But then again, it's a quick getaway aka short staycation... just go along with it...and see how many we could visit... 

The main destination on our list are (will be updated):

Kumari Bake and Brew


Two Cents      

Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Otten Coffee Robot Barista

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

DE.U COFFEE wasn't the first to visit on our list. However, on that morning when my friend already arrived around 07.00 AM, the very first pastry and coffee shop that on her list turn out close and would be opened around noon. So, we decided to meet up (since she departed from Bogor and I departed from Jakarta) at DE.U  Coffee.

Selasa, 07 Desember 2021


Otten Coffee Bandung

Beberapa waktu lalu pergi ke Bandung bareng teman dan karena sama-sama hobi makan, jadilah semacam culinary trip deh. Otten Coffee ini sempat masuk ke dalam daftar puanjang kami (cuma menginap semalam tapi daftar kunjungnya kayak mau tinggal setahun), kami tidak tahu jadi apa tidak ke sana. 

Postingan lainnya di :

De. U Coffee


Two Cents 

Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Merindu Coffee & Canteen

Kumari Bake and Brew

Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Lalu saya sekalian hendak ketemuan sama teman yang lain yang tinggal di Bandung. Karena si teman ini hobi ngopi, maka saya pikir sekalian aja ketemuan di Otten Coffee. Ohya, saya muat juga loh video lengkapnya, mengapa sampai bela-belain banget ke Otten Coffee Bandung.

Selasa, 23 November 2021

#WISHLIST Staying At Internet Cafe

Japan is seems so out of my reach, but hey...dreaming to go and traveling even only 1 city, anyone can do that, right? 

So, there I was...on a very hot Sunday afternoon at coffee shop somewhere in Jakarta. I was with a friend of mine, who loves traveling. Really loves traveling, it is her truly passion. So, no wonder she mostly keep the experience in her heart and mind. Not busy making content for social media (that would be me, unfortunately), most of her traveling photos kept in her computer or handphone. 

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2021

Berwisata Aman Dan Nyaman Dengan TRAC BUS


Sumber foto: TRAC

Wah, tidak berasa sudah mau akhir tahun 2021 saja dan mendadak rasanya penat banget. Baru sadar, sudah lama saya tidak jalan-jalan ke luar kota bareng teman ataupun sama keluarga. Dulu, sebelum pandemic, yang perlu dipikirkan, ya selain budget dong pastinya, tinggal memastikan tujuan dan promo tiket. Mau berangkat satu kantor ramai-ramai ataupun sendirian saja, tidak masalah. Sekarang? Di saat pandemic seperti sekarang, yang harus diperhatikan antara lain:


Tentunya kita harus memastikan apakah tempat tujuan aman untuk didatangi? Bisa saja tempat tujuan masih dalam zona merah atau ada ketentuan-ketentuan lain yang harus diperhatikan. Nah, ketentuan itu apakah akan memakan waktu? Sementara jatah cuti yang didapatkan jumlahnya tidak banyak.  

Pergi sendiri atau bersama teman-teman?

Saya baru saja sekali menikmati perjalanan antar kota sendirian dengan kereta api. Buat saya, seperti naik kendaraan umum saja bersebelahan dengan orang yang tidak dikenal.

Kalau sekarang, memang sih duduknya tidak bersebelahan. Tapi kita akan berada dalam satu gerbong dengan orang yang kita tidak tahu riwayat kesehatannya. 

Sepertinya saat ini, lebih aman untuk jalan-jalan bersama keluarga atau teman yang setidaknya sudah saling kenal dan menjaga satu sama lain.

Selasa, 30 Maret 2021


Claypot Popo Melawai

Daerah Melawai dan Blok M adalah tempat gaul hits pada masanya. Masa saya masih SMA sebenarnya, tapi masalahnya saya bukan anak gaul plus lokasi tempat tinggal yang jauh dari BLOK M membuat saya jarang ke sana. Saya bahkan masih ingat jumlah kunjungan ke sana yang masih bisa dihitung dengan jari. Naik bus tingkat bersama teman sekolah untuk nongkrong bareng saja. Jajanannya jelas bukan es kopi susu atau boba seperti sekarang. 

Akhir pekan lalu, saya janjian dengan teman di area Melawai - Blok M. Saya berangkat dari rumah dengan busway dan turun di halte busway BLOK M. Saya menggunakan jalan pintas lewat bawah agar langsung keluar di area Melawai dekat Blok M Square.

Senin, 15 Februari 2021

Public Transportation #NEWNORMAL Health Protocol

Due to the pandemic, I am not allowed to use public transportation by my bosses. So, sometimes I went to the office with my colleague. Most of the times, round trip using motorbike to and from the office with office boy.  It went on like that for a couple of months, until riot from demonstration against Omnibus law occurred. I have to consider, whether the office boy would be able to arrive home safely after taking me home, through demonstrator. So, I told him to drop me at the nearest commuter line station. 

At the beginning, I felt like hillbillies standing in front of Sawah Besar train station. It’s been months since the last time I used commuter line. I wasn’t sure having enough balance in my prepaid card to use the commuter line. Not to mention I wasn’t familiar with the train station to begin with. I have to find red box to check the balance and then I have to ask which line the train station to certain location. And it only has 2 lines but I feel like an idiot. 

Rabu, 18 November 2020

Tips Nyaman Naik Shuttle untuk Liburan Akhir Tahun

Liburan ke luar kota

Libur panjang cuti bersama dan pergantian tahun sudah semakin dekat nih! Kamu sudah ada rencana mau liburan akhir tahun ke mana? Jika destinasi wisata kamu masih berada di Pulau Jawa, liburan naik shuttle bisa jadi pilihan terbaik.

Selain ada banyak operator shuttle yang bisa dipilih, naik shuttle juga terasa lebih private dengan jumlah penumpang terbatas dan armada yang nyaman dan fasilitas lengkap.

Nah, jika kamu berencana liburan akhir tahun naik shuttle atau travel, berikut ini ada beberapa tips nyaman naik shuttle yang bisa jadi referensi, terutama di masa penerapan adaptasi kebiasaan baru (AKB) saat ini.

Kamis, 30 Juli 2020


Beluuum, saya belum berani untuk menginap di hotel karena beberapa alasan. Antara lain faktor U alias uang (bukan umur ya) di mana masa-masa sulit begini harus hati-hati, jangan boros-boros. Saya tertarik ke sini karena tempatnya memang cakep yah untuk foto-foto. Plus, ada restoran dan bisa juga untuk sekadar ngopi di sini. Kebetulan banget, teman saya mengajak ke sini akhir pekan lalu dan jadilah kami ke sana bersama.

Tempatnya memang agak tersembunyi dan ternyata area untuk parkir tidak bisa di dekat hotel. Ketika kami sampai, ada seseorang yang sepertinya dari pihak manajemen hotel memberitahukan untuk parkir bisa di area toko mebel di depan, dekat jalan. Dari tempat parkir ke hotel tinggal jalan kaki tidak sampai 10 menit. 

Rabu, 22 Januari 2020

Tips Naik Pesawat Rute Jakarta-Jogja di Hari dan Jam Yang Tidak Begitu Ramai

Kenangan dari Malioboro - Yogyakarta 2014

Yogyakarta, selain berjulukan sebagai Kota Pendidikan, juga merupakan Kota Budaya. Kekuatan budaya yang masih begitu kental di Yogyakarta menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para wisatawan, baik domestik maupun luar negeri. Perjalanan Jakarta-Yogyakarta memang tidak memerlukan banyak waktu untuk tiba di tempat tujuan, apalagi dengan menggunakan pesawat. Namun, ada waktu-waktu tertentu yang bebas keramaian untuk dapat direkomendasikan bagi Anda jika ingin terbang ke Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan layanan Pegipegi. Perjalanan aman, nyaman, praktis, dan ekonomis pun bisa Anda dapatkan.

Selasa, 07 Januari 2020


Beberapa waktu lalu ada promo gila-gilaan di Traveloka dan saya tergiur dong. Padahal bokek... tapi rasanya promo seperti ini sayang banget dilewatkan. Jadilah tanggal 25 September 2019 saya booked untuk menginap di Artotel untuk malam tahun baru. Sebelumnya saya sudah pernah menginap di Artotel pada malam Natal 25 Desember 2018. Tapi tahun 2019 saya putuskan untuk staycation di malam pergantian tahun. Sempat nyaris batal karena ya namanya aja malam tahun baru. Harga penginapan mahal dong pastinya. Dan saya tidak terlalu punya budget tapi kasihan juga melihat mama jarang kemana-mana. Jadi pas banget lagi kepingin pas ada promo. 

Setelah proses booking selesai, beberapa waktu kemudian cerita dong sama si emak kaaaan... Sambil  buka email mencari konfirmasi booking, biar langsung kasih tunjuk tempat menginapnya...

Senin, 07 Oktober 2019

DRAMA BUSWAY #lajanglife

Foto milik pribadi: halte busway Bunderan HI

Sebagai pengguna busway setia yang terkadang selingkuh dengan ojek online; entah sudah berapa banyak drama yang dilalui selama ini. Tsah, dramaaa... Drama dipanggil oma sama oma-oma beneran, drama gak dapat tempat duduk terus kena macet tiga jam, capek antri di halte busway desak-desakan sama penumpang lain. Dan akhir-akhir ini merasa sudah menjadi sama barbarnya dengan tipe penumpang yang dulu saya lepeh. Kalau gak barbar, gak bakal bisa masuk ke dalam busway dari tengah-tengah antrian. Ya ampun, cuma buat keangkut agar bisa segera pulang sudah bikin saya jadi lebih buas. Walau konon penumpang commuter line jauh lebih barbar daripada busway.

Okay, jadi saya mulai berpikir, bagaimana caranya ya supaya bisa istirahat dulu dari mengantri di halte busway...tapi pulang naik busway... Bingung? Sama, saya juga... Hingga akhirnya saya menemukan alternatif.

Minggu, 22 September 2019


Mom's Artisan Bakery

Rencananya saya mau keluar bareng sama teman tapi karena sesuatu hal, dia tidak bisa dihubungi. Jadilah saya akhirnya bersolo karir dan pergi makan malam sendirian. 

So, here's the thing about going to another city alone, my tip for you to enjoy the moment is you makes no plan. Iya, karena saya memang niatnya buat refreshing, jadi saya gak terlalu bikin itinerary.
Keterbatasan waktu
Saya hanya punya waktu kurang dari 24 jam untuk menikmati liburan singkat ini. Jadi dinikmati saja acara malas-malasannya tanpa merasa harus datang ke tempat yang ini dan itu.

Plus minus jalan sendirian tentu saja ada. Plus, saya tidak terikat sama jadwal dan rencana, harus ke sana dan ke sini. Kecuali rencana itu yang melibatkan orang lain, seperti teman yang ketemuan di Saka Bistro. Kalaupun misalnya mendadak dia batal ya apa boleh buat, karena tiket kereta sama penginapan sudah dibeli ya, males banget mengurus refund. Jalan sendirian juga bikin lebih santai, karena bisa saja di detik-detik terakhir berubah pikiran dari yang mau ke sana eh akhirnya gak jadi.
Gak enaknya, seperti yang pernah saya sebutkan di postingan sebelumnya adalah, kalau mau makan tuh gak ada temannya buat sharing. Jadi bisa mencoba setidaknya lebih dari satu macam makanan dan minuman.

Jumat, 20 September 2019

Sama Dengan Coffee - SOLO TRAVELING PART 5

Sama Dengan Coffee Cihampelas Walk Bandung

Duh kerajinan amat mak, semuanya dipisahkan sendiri postingannya. Jujur saja, saya memang bukan tipe yang suka baca postingan blog terlalu panjang. Jadi ya tidak heran, postingan di blog saya juga tidak terlalu panjang lebar. Antara lain sih karena sulit merangkai kata-kata, tsahh...

Ria's Been Here

Ria Tumimomor’s Travel Map

Ria Tumimomor has been to: France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland.
Get your own travel map from Matador Network.