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Senin, 07 Maret 2016

Sarapan #McDBreakfastDay

Tweet tahun 2015 saat ikutan #McDBreakfastDay

Sudah beberapa tahun ini saya hobi banget antri untuk mendapatkan Egg McMuffin gratis setiap acara #McDBreakfastday. Jadi, Egg McMuffin sih gratis tapi kalau mau nambah kopi atau teh dan hashbrown maka terkena biaya Rp. 10.000,- Saya suka banget sama hashbrown dan berhubung yang satu ini hanya ada untuk menu sarapan, jadi deh saya ambil juga. 

Jumat, 26 Februari 2016

Cliff Noodl Bar Bersama @pergikuliner

Sudah baca postingan review film Deadpool? Sudah baca juga tentang Bakmi Zhou? Acara saya dengan komunitas doyan makan dengan narasumber bapak Tirta Lie yang disponsori PergiKuliner diakhiri dengan makan di Cliff Noodl Bar. Lokasinya gak jauh-jauh amat kok dari pusat kota, di Pantai Indah Kapuk aja (langsung pingsan). Jika sebelumnya kami menyantap mie halal maka sekarang giliran mie non halal. 

Disinilah saya rasa pentingnya kenal dan gabung dengan komunitas sesuai hobi masing-masing. Bersama komunitas, kita jadi mempunyai kesempatan untuk bersama-sama datang ke tempat yang mungkin jauh. Bisa juga dekat tapi lolos dari pengamatan kita selama ini.

Kata sambutan dari Tirta Lie dan pemilik Cliff Noodl Bar: Andereas Tjoe

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Bakmi Zhou Bersama @pergikuliner

Sebenarnya saya agak bingung nih, jadi sebenarnya bayar atau enggak? :D

Saya dihubungi oleh Oswin – PergiKuliner sekitar akhir Januari menanyakan apakah bisa mengikuti acara mereka tanggal 20 Februari 2016. Saat itu saya memang belum punya rencana apa-apa maka konfirmasi bisa pun diberikan. Itinerary Wisata kuliner dimulai dari sarapan jam 9 di Bakmi Zhou Kelapa Gading, nonton di Blitz lalu terakhir makan di PIK… Postingan saya sebelumnya tentang nonton Deadpool di CGV Megaplex MOI adalah rangkaian acara wisata kuliner bareng PergiKuliner. 

Hampir jam 8.30 saya sampai di Gajah Mada plaza dan bertemu dengan peserta Wisata Pergi Kuliner lainnya. Wow… ternyata sudah siap dengan kaos PergiKuliner yang memang saya minta ke Oswin untuk diberikan pas ketemuan saja. Saya baru tahu (belakangan) kalau acara ini juga berdasarkan narasumber bapak Tirta Lie yang hobi banget makan mie. Cek aja deh daftar tempat makan mie di blog di sini

Kata sambutan dari Oswin, bapak Tirta Lie dan Andrew Zhou

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Addicted to Bag

Postman Bag

Jadi cewek itu ribet, walau bukan termasuk fashionista sekalipun. Malah, kadang saya berpikir justru karena bukan fashionista makanya saya jadi ribet. Kalau buat pesta mesti pakai tas apa ya? Terus kalau mau ke acara semiformal enaknya menggunakan tas apa? Terus tas yang mau digunakan itu cocok gak sama baju… Halah… Puyeng… Tapi kalau dipikir-pikir lagi, sebenarnya saya memang hobi beli tas. Dulu hobi beli tas ketika baru kenal sama yang namanya area Tajur di Bogor. Sekarang sudah jauh lebih tobat karena kondisi yang memaksa (apa sih?).

Akhirnya saya iseng deh membongkar lemari untuk mendata ulang (seolah yang kebanyakan tas aja) apa saja sih yang saya gunakan selama ini? 

1. Tas Kerja
Yang ini tidak usah acara foto segala yah, karena saya baru sadar tas yang digunakan untuk sehari-hari bekerja ini justru yang paling cupu dari semuanya. Kenapa? Karena saya tidak ingin memberikan kesan : “kalau bisa pakai tas mahal maka isinya pasti sama banyaknya dengan yang harus dibayarkan untuk mendapatkan tas tersebut” - alias mengundang copet. 
Tas untuk membawa perlengkapan perang ke kantor ini seperti payung, topi, handphone, charger, Ipod, buku notes, lemari, meja… eh, itu sih kantong Doraemon ya… Back to topic. Karena isinya banyak, maka tas tersebut harus yang simple tapi bisa muat semua barang yang perlu saya bawa. Dan yang bisa dikepit agar setidaknya mengurangi kemungkinan dicopet.

Senin, 22 Februari 2016

Daring Dead Pool

Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) adalah mantan tentara yang sekarang menjadi semacam pemburu bayaran. Tapi kebanyakan pelanggannya orang-orang yang memang membutuhkan pertolongan. Hingga akhirnya ia bertemu dengan seorang escort berparas cantik dan mengerti cara bercanda Wade yang nyeleneh. Vanessa Carlysle (Morena Baccarin (si cakep yang dulu berperan di serial TV: Serenity dan saat ini masih berperan di film seri Gotham) baru saja menerima lamaran Wade ketika mendadak cowok ini jatuh pingsan. Diagnosa dokter menyatakan kalau Wade menderita kanker. Walau Vanessa membuktikan cintanya dengan gigih bertanya pada dokter mengenai pengobatan, Wade mulai ketakutan kehilangan calon istrinya.

Saat sedang resah, ia didekati oleh seseorang misterius yang menjanjikan tidak hanya kesembuhan. Tapi juga pengobatan tersebut akan meningkatkan kemampuan Wade menjadi luar biasa. Sehingga, bukan saja ia akan sembuh tapi juga dapat menggunakan kemampuannya untuk membantu orang lain. Namun bukan pengobatan yang ia dapatkan dari orang misterius tersebut. Di laboratorium ia bertemu seseorang yang mengaku bernama Ajax (Ed Skrein yang sempat berperan menjadi  Daario Naharis di Game of Thrones season 3 dan juga menjadi peran utama dalam versi baru the Transpotter) dan cewek seram yang bernama Angel Dust (bagi yang masih ingat pada cewek kekar di Fast and Furious 6, dialah orangnya: Gina Carano). Ajax bukan hanya menyiksa Wade, tapi juga membongkar tujuan utama pengobatan tersebut. Bahwa Wade saat ini tengah menjalani proses untuk mengubahnya menjadi manusia super. Namun bukan untuk menjadi penolong masyarakat melainkan untuk dijual kepada pihak yang dapat membayar tinggi. Proses penyiksaan tersebut memang mengeluarkan gen super pada Wade. Namun merusak penampilan fisik dan juga wajahnya. 

Jumat, 19 Februari 2016

My Blog's Application


A few months ago, I was contacted by Boom Network, asking me whether I was interested to have application on my blog. So, the reader especially those who are too lazy to open the site from handphone or pc and to those who up to now has no interest in social media or whatsoever... this is the perfect solution. They can download the application from Playstore or Applestore and there they have it. They can read my blog's postings. And even get the chance to see all the photos that I have uploaded on Instagram and Pinterest. They may get the peek of any information that I published via my fanpage. 

And after waited for ages, now you all can have easy access to read my blog and activities on social media accounts.

If you are using android then you may click this link here

If you are using iOs then you just click this link there

So, what are you waiting for? Just download it and you won't miss any single post from my blog and my social media's accounts ^_^

Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

#BERANIBERUBAH Untuk Jakarta Lebih Baik

Hari Sabtu tanggal 13 February, bersama dengan komunitas Blogger Crony saya mendapat kesempatan untuk menghadiri acara Lari 5 Jakarta yang diadakan oleh Qlue dan IndoRunners. Tadinya saya mengira harus mengikuti kegiatan sejam jam 6 pagi. Tapi blogger diperkenankan dan wajib datang tepat waktu pukul 8.00 pagi.

Gerakan Lari 5 Jakarta  adalah salah satu inisiasi dari komunitas IndoRunners. Tujuannya untuk  mengubah pola pikir masyarakat agar lebih peduli terhadap kondisi lingkungan di area Jakarta. Acara lari 5 Jakarta ini diikuti oleh 100 pelari dari 5 wilayah di Jakarta (Selatan, Timur, Pusat, Barat, dan Utara). Jadi, sambil lari pagi, mereka akan menggunakan aplikasi Qlue untuk foto lalu upload jika menemukan hal-hal yang kurang dari fasilitas umum. Kami para blogger yang mengikuti acara ini juga dihimbau melakukan hal yang sama, mulai dari saat berangkat hingga ketika kembali ke rumah masing-masing. 

Acara yang berlokasi di ruang Balai Agung di Balai Kota ini juga dihadiri oleh berikut ini:

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Pekerjaan Admin Media Sosial

Beberapa waktu lalu saya memesan taksi Blue Bird lewat aplikasi di handphone. Tempat yang saya tuju sebenarnya tidak terlalu jauh. Tapi karena membawa orangtua dan kami tinggal di dalam gang, maka memanggil taksi adalah pilihan yang terbaik. Setidaknya, setelah berjalan keluar dari gang kami tidak perlu naik angkot dulu untuk mencapai jalan raya. Namun sesampainya di tempat tujuan, ternyata memesan taksi melalui aplikasi dianggap sama saja dengan memesan via telepon. Saya harus membayar Rp. 40.000,- kepada supir taksi. Sempat nyolot juga ditambah lagi supir tidak punya kembalian. Awalnya saya mau langsung menanyakan ke admin media sosial. Tapi akhirnya saya mencoba bertanya lewat email kepada customer service, ternyata supir sudah benar. Pesanan via aplikasi dan telephone dikenakan biaya minimum sebesar Rp. 40.000,- jika di argo ternyata hanya Rp. 25.000,- misalnya.

Karena menyadari ketololan diri sendiri, saya akhirnya ogah untuk melanjutkan perdebatan dengan customer service. Ya, lagipula saya sudah misuh-misuh terlebih dahulu dengan pengemudinya. Saya cuman menyesal saja, percuma sudah menggunakan kacamata tapi hal-hal seperti ini lolos dari pengamatan. 

Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Dorotea Gale - The Creator

We have talked about products of Dorotea Gale and now surely we should talk about people behind this production. And without further ado, here is the interview with the woman behind Dorotea Gale productions: Dewi Christina

Hi Dewi :) Thanks for doing this interview with me. So, tell me about yourself?

I was born in Spain and grew up in a small city there. My dad is Indonesian so I started travelling between the two countries when I was five years old. I haven’t stopped since then. I studied Social Work and completed my studies in Santiago de Chile and Madrid, where I had a Master’s degree in Community Social Work. I also spent a few months in India studying and practicing yoga right before coming to live in Indonesia. 
While I was living in Jakarta I studied Fashion Design and fell in love with traditional Indonesian textiles. I started a personal blog about them just to write down all what I was learning about them and the Indonesian culture, which I find incredibly rich. I realized then that there are many people sharing that same interest, after all the Spanish-speaking community is pretty big!

When did you actually decide that this is the line of work that you would love to do in your life?

I love traditional Indonesian textiles so I love everything related to them. The techniques, meanings and stories they have behind are incredibly interesting for me. It’s also a way to show appreciation for my own roots. Bringing together both my European and Asian backgrounds into the designs and trying to bring both cultures closer is something meaningful to me.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2016

Dorotea Gale - The Product

I have this habit of asking someone that I know from social media to meet up in person. I mentioned this on my previous postings months ago. Anyway, I have twitter follower that attract my attention because of the name: Dorotea Gale.

Naturally, I browse around and I found out that Dorotea Gale is actually the name of their product using Indonesian textiles. I got curious and ask the owner to meet and have a little of chit chat. And not only just a gal chit chat. But I used this opportunity to interview the owner as well. So, here goes...

Can you tell us a bit about Dorotea Gale? Like when this business started? Why choose the name?

Dorotea Gale was founded by Dewi Cristina after living in Indonesia for a while. Here she began to learn about Indonesia’s traditional textiles and the expert craftsmanship behind them. She wanted to do something practical and beautiful with them. Being a fanatic traveler, she was quite used to not to have more than the strictly necessary things, and having a textile collection was not very pragmatic. That’s where the idea of Dorotea Gale began. She decided to use the beautiful fabrics collected on her travels to make useful objects everyone needs in their daily lives, firmly believing that thing become alive only when they are used.

The name Dorotea Gale was inspired by the main character of the Wizard of Oz. Like her, Dewi had left everything she was accustomed with to start following her own yellow brick road to search for something else. This is where the story of Dorotea Gale begins.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

Serious Movie: The Revenant

Screenshot from the official website

You know when I entered movie theatre, usually I expect the movie to be thrilling and have a happy ending. But, with this movie is another way around. I was totally curious about it as The Revenant has been nominated for 12 awards for Oscar, win 3 awards at Golden Globe awards and many more. I know this movie would have me watch it in deep thoughts. But I never expected I was going to hold my breath for so many times.

The story began with two different scenes. One scene with Leonardo DiCaprio hunting in the wilderness. The other show group of people with lots of pelts, probably will be sold later. But then they were under attack by the Indian and were only able to escape with few of the pelts. And worst, only few people managed to get out alive. That includes their leader Capten Henry (Domhnall Gleeson), their guide and his son (Hugh Glass – Leonardo DiCaprio and Hawk – Forrest Goodluck), Bridger (Will Poulter), the hostile Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) and several other members. 

During their trip back to their main base, Glass attacked by a grizzly bear. Though he managed to kill the bear but he was badly wounded. Since the other survivors were agitated, Henry offered rewards if any volunteers willing to stay with Glass. Bridger and Hawk instantly said they will give their rewards to the third person. And for the money, Fitzgerald agreed to stay with Glass and the others. 

Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

Ciwidey - Trip Part Two

Last post was about my trip to Kawah Putih. Well, the trip is not over as we were still on going to Ciwidey’s areas. 

If you often read my blog, then you probably noticed that I don’t travel much. So, I hardly have any gear special for travel. Like for example, I just realize that my backpack is actually not for outdoor traveling. And if I am planning to do more traveling this year, I think I am going to need one. Tshhh… I’m just looking for an excuse to buy something new again…

Anyway, after Kawah Putih we continued our journey to Situ Patenggang. At first I was a bit confused about the name. Is it Patenggang or Patengan? I heard that the name is actually Patengan. Situ means lake, so it is Lake Patengan. But local people find it difficult to say “patengan”. So instead they said Patenggang. Since the voucher don’t cover the ticket entrance, amounting IDR 20.500,- so we paid our tour leader along with tips for the driver totally : IDR 30.500,-

Wanna buy local snacks or souvenirs?

Rabu, 03 Februari 2016

Kawah Putih - Trip story part one

Lunch time before continue to Kawah Putih

Last week me and my friends went to Kawah Putih and Ciwidey’s areas – West Java. We bought travel’s voucher from the sites travelicious and they informed us that the one day trip will be on 30th of January 2016. The itinerary is to go to Kawah Putih (White Crater) , then Patengan Lake or Patenggang Lake. The end of the trip is to go to strawberry plantation. My friends warned me though, that there are many strawberry plantations around Ciwidey. So, I have no idea which one that I will have the chance to visit. The voucher cover for entrance ti.cket to Kawah Putih. But doesn't cover entrance ticket to Patengan Lake and we have to prepare IDR 10.000,- for the tips.

As it was being told to us, we all will be going with crews from Tukang Jalan Dot Com. We have to gather near Plaza Semanggi at 5.30 AM. Imagine that, I have to get up around 4 AM. Then at 5.00 AM I went there and ….dang…  Nobody around from Tukang Jalan Dot com. Then my friends arrived and we started to ask around those people down there. There are many other groups also gathered there. Then finally we found out which one, he directed to us which car, then we met with our sort of tour guide. But, we didn’t start the journey as planned as we are waiting for the other participants. Until almost 7 A.M, finally we started the journey. Crap… I totally hate it when I have to wait for other people. Don’t they have the courtesy to inform the crew that they are unable to join us?

Anyway, I forgot about how long a trip to West Java. We spent almost 3 hours (because we need to stop at resting area for more than 30 minutes) before finally arrived in Bandung. And traffic jam ahead of us all the way from Bandung to Ciwidey. We arrived around 11.30 AM and the tour guide told us where the meeting point will be around 12.30. We were given the chance to have our lunch or perhaps buying something for family and friends back home. After that we continue our journey to Kawah Putih. What? We are still not there yet? Nope. 

We chose this one to have lunch... Noodle with meatball and we have sausage as well

Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

Book A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

It has been a while since I read book that really makes my imagination running wild. Not that other books not good. But probably because most that I read is about murder and supernatural world. So, it’s kinda making me depressed. But I read them anyway. 

The title of the book is : A Darker Shade of Magic. Is about Kell, traveller to the parallel world , in this book there are four London. Yeah people! Four London. There is Red London where Kell live with his “foster” parents; the royal family of Red London. He is very close with the prince of Red London :Rhy and willing to give his life for his safety.  There was Black London, but it seems the city dead already. Another one is totally dangerous White London with its ruthless people. The dangerous and vicious twin: Athos and Astrid. They never hesitate to kill everyone that stands in their way. The last one is Grey London, the London that we knew where people speak English.

Kell is an Antari - those who born with magic in their blood. There are only two Antari, Kell and Holland. Antari are the only people who can travel in the parallel world. If Kell treated (or at least he felt that way) like something valuable and interesting, Holland was being controlled by King Athos and and Queen Astrid. During his travelling, Kell like to collect objects and he finally got something dangerous that will endangered so many people. He decided to send the dangerous object back to Black London but is not an easy task. He has to deal with the twin and not to mention Holland. But he met thief and pickpocket : Delila Bard. First she robbed him but in the end she save his life. And she insist to accompany Kell on his dangerous task. She was proven a loyal friend to Kell and save him over and over again.

Ria's Been Here

Ria Tumimomor’s Travel Map

Ria Tumimomor has been to: France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland.
Get your own travel map from Matador Network.