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Rabu, 20 April 2022


KIN+ Coffee & Eatery

Another quick post about my short getaway in Bandung last November with my friend. Other posts you can find them (in English and other in Indonesian)

De. U Coffee

Two Cents 

Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Merindu Canteen & Coffee


Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

Otten Coffee Robot Barista

After my friend and I spent our first morning in Bandung, at almost 12.00 PM we decided is time to move on to another cafe. And next on our list, is Kin+ ; which is not too far from our hotel. When we arrived, thankfully there was only 1-2 visitors inside. It means, my friend and I could take photos like crazy. If you ever visit this eatery, then you should take a picture in front of their iconic entrance gate. And no, the first photo above is not their entrance gate.

Selasa, 19 April 2022


De. U Coffee Bandung

Do you know what I like about Bandung? Their coffee shops open very early in the morning, around 07.00 AM. Not many coffee shops in Jakarta willing to open that very early in the morning. Most of them open at the earliest around 09.00 AM. I know that because whenever I wish to have my early coffee and order them through apps... they are still not open...  Okay, not that I will die if I don't have a cup of coffee in the morning since I'm not really a coffee person. But, it's really irritating when you wish to have something hot, either coffee or chocolate...and can't seems to find one that already open. 

So, in the middle of November, I finally went to Bandung with my foodie friend. Since I'm really bad in making eatinerary, my friend then make one for us. I was a bit surprise to see her long list as we planned to stay one night only. But on her list, we probably need to extend our stay for another day. So, I was like ... are you sure we would be able to go to all of these coffee shops and restaurants? Though all of them located not far from our hotel, but still...can we really make it? But then again, it's a quick getaway aka short staycation... just go along with it...and see how many we could visit... 

The main destination on our list are (will be updated):

Kumari Bake and Brew


Two Cents      

Tjimanoek43 Koffie and Meals

Otten Coffee Robot Barista

Merindu Canteen & Coffee

Bellamie Boulangerie

Cihapit Culinary

DE.U COFFEE wasn't the first to visit on our list. However, on that morning when my friend already arrived around 07.00 AM, the very first pastry and coffee shop that on her list turn out close and would be opened around noon. So, we decided to meet up (since she departed from Bogor and I departed from Jakarta) at DE.U  Coffee.

Kamis, 14 April 2022


Sedang kangen makan cumi, apalagi cumi dengan tinta hitamnya. Dulu ketika masih tubuhnya masih sehat, mama saya sering memasakkan cumi tinta hitam atau cumi goreng tepung lengkap dengan telurnya. Tapi itu sih dulu pakai banget karena sejak beliau sakit, ya saya sebagai anak yang tahunya makan saja, jadi kehilangan kesempatan menikmati masakannya. Sudahlah, jangan suruh saya belajar masak karena masak air aja saya bisa sampai gosong. Tuh kan, kebayang parahnya?

Syukurlah jaman sekarang perlu apa-apa tinggal browsing aplikasi di hape, asal dananya ada aja. Jadilah saya memesan beberapa menu yang ada cuminya. Dan ini yang terakhir saja pesan dan yang pertama adalah yang paling saya suka:

Jumat, 01 April 2022


Bakso KumCik

Sebagai pecinta bakso dan siomay, saya kepingin share aja nih kiriman seorang teman ketika saya tengah isolasi mandiri karena disamperin sama virus Corona. 

Jadi, si teman ini domisilinya di Bandung dan saya surprise dong kok dia bisa lebih tahu ya ada bakso seenak ini di Jakarta Pusat? Tepatnya di area Cikini? Sementara saya yang tinggalnya tidak jauh dari area tersebut seriusan baru tahu sekarang. 

Selasa, 29 Maret 2022


Akhirnya positif juga dan bukan dalam artian yang bagus. Iya, menjelang akhir Februari 2022 saya akhirnya positif Covid-19 dan sedihnya lagi mama saya tertular. 

Awalnya saya tidak menyangka positif Covid-19. Jadi, tanggal 15 February pagi saya membeli salah satu merk susu steril dan setelah minum langsung seperti diare. Dan tidak berapa lama, tubuh saya mulai dilanda demam. Demam dan menggigil berlangsung hingga malam hari dan naik turun. Kalau minum obat, demamnya mereda namun kembali naik lagi setelah beberapa saat. Ketika ke dokter, saya baru mulai merasakan tenggorokan gatal dan dokter menyarankan swab antigen. Hasilnya negatif sehingga saya pun merasa tenang. 

Namun ketika hari beberapa hari kemudian, tenggorokan saya masih gatal walau demamnya telah mereda, mulai deh khawatir. Apalagi hari Jumat, mama pun mulai demam dan hari Sabtu tenggorokannya mulai tidak enak. Masalahnya, mama saya adalah penderita diabetes dan ada gangguan ginjal. Akhirnya hari Minggu saya memutuskan untuk Swab PCR, itupun karena anjuran atasan setelah mendengar penjelasan saya karena absen bekerja. Dan hasilnya adalah positif. 

Ria's Been Here

Ria Tumimomor’s Travel Map

Ria Tumimomor has been to: France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland.
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