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Senin, 15 Februari 2021

Public Transportation #NEWNORMAL Health Protocol

Due to the pandemic, I am not allowed to use public transportation by my bosses. So, sometimes I went to the office with my colleague. Most of the times, round trip using motorbike to and from the office with office boy.  It went on like that for a couple of months, until riot from demonstration against Omnibus law occurred. I have to consider, whether the office boy would be able to arrive home safely after taking me home, through demonstrator. So, I told him to drop me at the nearest commuter line station. 

At the beginning, I felt like hillbillies standing in front of Sawah Besar train station. It’s been months since the last time I used commuter line. I wasn’t sure having enough balance in my prepaid card to use the commuter line. Not to mention I wasn’t familiar with the train station to begin with. I have to find red box to check the balance and then I have to ask which line the train station to certain location. And it only has 2 lines but I feel like an idiot. 

Kamis, 11 Februari 2021

Another episode of Oversized Shirt

I was in the mood to get rid of old clothes and planning to sell a few of them online. But most of them are not suitable to be sold as second hands clothes. Well, it's still okay to wear them, you know sometimes the older your clothes, you feel more comfortable wearing it. In the end, I failed to clean up and only able to get rid a few of them. I gave several old clothes to other people, found several of them still okay to be sold on online market. I also found several my late dad's shirts, and naturally most of them are oversize for me.

But, in the spirit of cleaning up my room, get rid of old clothes and try not to buy new clothes again, I decided to try to mix and match those old oversize shirts. 

Kamis, 24 Desember 2020

Merry Christmas 2020

Well, we are finally here after 9 months trying to survive from this pandemic and naturally for facing so many crazy people.

If I have to do a quick recap about year 2020, is probably the year that I will never ever forget. But not in the good way. 

Senin, 30 November 2020

Tips Padu Padan Fashion Etnik Untuk Gaya Sehari-hari

Fashion etnik? Aduh, pasti mahal deh harganya dan pakaian tradisional bukannya ribet untuk digunakan? Eits… Itu mungkin dulu banget ya, beberapa tahun yang lalu. Sekarang baju tradisional menjadi sumber inspirasi para perancang pakaian. Dan walau inspirasinya dari pakaian tradisional dan kebudayaan lokal, tapi fashion etnik masa kini memberikan banyak pilihan bagi para penggunanya. Pilihannya ada banyak dengan berbagai macam mode dan harga yang variatif. Harga bisa jadi tergantung pada jenis kain yang digunakan. Kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia kudu bangga loh karena ada banyak jenis-jenis kain yang ada di Indonesia. 

Nah, kain-kain tradisional di Indonesia itu motifnya beragam, unik, ada yang warna warni dan ada juga yang sebaliknya.  Saya tergolong yang cepat tertarik dengan pakaian dengan motif yang berwarna menyolok. Ini yang sering menyebabkan saya langsung membeli dan setelahnya bingung. Padanannya sama baju yang mana? Sama accessories yang mana? Cocok gak sih kalau baik atasan maupun bawahannya sama-sama fashion etnik? Ya masa sih kalau gak ada padanan yang cocok harus beli lagi? Halah, memang selalu saja ada alasan untuk belanja ya. 

Rabu, 18 November 2020

Tips Nyaman Naik Shuttle untuk Liburan Akhir Tahun

Liburan ke luar kota

Libur panjang cuti bersama dan pergantian tahun sudah semakin dekat nih! Kamu sudah ada rencana mau liburan akhir tahun ke mana? Jika destinasi wisata kamu masih berada di Pulau Jawa, liburan naik shuttle bisa jadi pilihan terbaik.

Selain ada banyak operator shuttle yang bisa dipilih, naik shuttle juga terasa lebih private dengan jumlah penumpang terbatas dan armada yang nyaman dan fasilitas lengkap.

Nah, jika kamu berencana liburan akhir tahun naik shuttle atau travel, berikut ini ada beberapa tips nyaman naik shuttle yang bisa jadi referensi, terutama di masa penerapan adaptasi kebiasaan baru (AKB) saat ini.

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Ria Tumimomor has been to: France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland.
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