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Senin, 20 Januari 2020

Food Blogging, The Price That We Pay For Your Convenience

Flatlay photo

“Here, I know you want to take a photo of my meal.” A friend of mine gave me her cake, so I could get a better angle. I remembered her tone was slightly amused by my weird behavior.
Then another friend of ours join the conversation said,”Oh, I thought I was the only one who get irritated.”

That was probably 10 years ago, when digital camera just hit the market. But, my friends really get irritated with me. Who on earth at that time, took photos before eating? Like hillbilly, taking photo almost about everything … I mean, seriously… When you ordered your meal, basically all you have to do is to eat it right away.

Then again, how did you know about that fancy restaurant? How do you know what to order? For example, if you look hard on the menu and stated – as quoted from Wikipedia :
Indonesian salad of slightly boiled, blanched or steamed vegetables and hard-boiled eggs, boiled potato, fried tofu and tempeh, and rice wrapped in a banana leaf, served with a peanut sauce dressing.

Only the above information available, no photo whatsoever… Do you really have that high imagination to know exactly what kind of meal is that? No? Sorry, yes or no…? I can’t hear you…
So, let me explain to you ladies and gentlemen…  about us the Food Blogger, in case you are clueless about us.

Roasted chicken at Buffalo

I started my blog around 2003 and still has no idea what to do with it other than pouring my (broken) heart, my rambling, my rant, in short… nothing really important. Until someday I found blog writing only about food and restaurants, you may check out her blog here. I was so happy when I read her blog, because?
- Detailed information like the location of the restaurant and what kind of food they serves
- Appearance of the meal  
- Prices of the meal

That was the basic information we need, long before there were food apps like Zomato, Pergi Kuliner, Traveloka Eats, Google Local Guides…

As times goes by, we need more than just information about the meal. When we look on the menu, the photo looks great… BUT, is it really as good as the picture? Is it worth the price? We need opinion from people who really dine there…and willing to take the time and effort to share the information. Food apps and foodies or food blogger are here to help and share many information like how comfort the hang out place is, have spacious parking lot, clean rest room, and so on.

Let’s say there is a new Chinese food restaurant open in town. They decided that one of the things to do to promote their existence is us, the foodie or food blogger and influencers. 

And how do we do the promotion? By talking? By blogging? Yes, and for that what do we need?

Donuts at Haritts Indonesia

And since we don’t have our own team like photographer, makeup artist, copywriter and so on, we the not so famous foodie has to do all of the promotion by our own. Starting with:

Do you know what things we have to endure to give you that kind of information about new hype hang out café or new coffee shop in town? 
Often we have to eat cold meal or melted ice cream, just for the sake of taking good photo. Or that hot chocolate has become cold and therefore no longer exciting. 

Oh yes, I’m one of those who eat the meal even they are no longer hot, crispy, cheezy, melted or whatever their previous condition. Simply because I love to eat and I love to take photos of my meal, knowing the risk that I have to face. 

After taking photos, so all we need to do is uploading them to social media, right?

Before taking photos, we need to learn how to take photos from many angles. There is no such thing as the right angle. Each person has their own preference, but one thing for sure, for other people to be able to enjoy the photo. 
Lucky for me, I have many young social media enthusiast foodie friends who taught me a lot of new techniques. 

After that, we need to edit the photo from just so so is another food photo to become wow I want to eat that food kind of photo. 
I have to spent countless hours and if my eyes can scream probably they will yelled: STOP IT!!!

Now we can upload them to Instagram or wherever whatever social media account that we have. Yes? 

We have to make the whole feed looks inviting, informative, awesome, for others to check our profile and the food or beverages. 

If you can’t appreciate the things we do at the very least keep your ignorance to yourself. I do it because I like it, and I want to share the information. And yeah sure, for my social media’s content because several of them were really for promotion. And you know what? There are many food vendors sending their thanks because we took the time to promote (without getting paid or whatsoever) them.

Amazing, isn't it? Things that looks ridiculous for some ignorance people, but means a lot for others.

17 komentar:

  1. Nah, ini bener banget yes, tanpa para food enthusiast yang emang demen foto dan memamerkannya di lini masa mereka plus mau aja posting2 utk nambah konten situs2 khusus makanan, sebenernya dunia kuliner mungkin ga akan semenggairahkan sekarang ini.

    1. Betul, apalagi dulu masih dikit yg mau repot2 nulis review, boro2 upload foto... butuh waktu dan kuota data my prens... Kl gak paham atau mikir hal ini buang2 waktu ya mending diem ajalah drpd komen bikin kezel

  2. Selalu suka saat food blogger atau di platform IG bahkan Twitter, mereka bisa menyajikan foto makanan/minuman dengan aesthetic dan bikin ngiler :D

  3. Aku juga excited bangettt dengan meriah dan ramainya skena food blogger Indonesia 🔥🙏 Bikin acara kulineran jadi makin seruuuu dan bernyawa, gegara kerap baca rekomendasi para foodies
    . Pokoknya mantab betul dah 💪

  4. Di beberapa kali kesempatan aku pernah bilang kalau fotoin makanan itu SUSAH BANGET hahaha. Jadi, aku selalu salut dengan para food blogging/food influencer yang bisa menata makanan untuk diperlihatkan/diiklankan sehingga menarik dan bikin orang penasaran mau cobain. Makanya salut sama orang-orang yang punya passion dan kecakapan di bidang ini :)

  5. Beneeer 😅😄. Tanpa foto2 dari food bloggers kadang susah mau bayangin bentuk dari suatu makanan, atau layout dari restorannya.

    Penting sih foto2 yg diambil.

    Makanya aku heran juga kalo Nemu food bloggers, tp foto makanannya cuma sebijiik itu pun kecil dan di jadikan foto pada heading tulisan. Ya ampuuun, maksudnya gimana ya.. kita disuruh bayangin sendiri atu browsing sendiri. Lah apa guna dia sebagai blogger nya 🤣🤣

  6. bener banget mbaa...dulu pas belum mulai ngeblog sempet mikir ribet amat sie mau makan aja mesti foto2 dulu haha tapi makin kesini makin menikmati buat foto2 makanan dulu sebelum dimakan hahaha...karena tanpa foto2 cantik dari para food blogger kita tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana enaknya sebuah masakan hehe

  7. Yes, absolutely. We have to take a lot of photos, edit, select, and upload. It's better to use original photos than photos from Google OMG.

  8. Visual itu sangat penting banget apalagi zaman sekarang, kadang orang tuh lebih tertarik dengan foto dari pada tulisannya, walau keterangan juga penting untuk lebih detail menginformasikannya.

  9. Ini kelemahanku juga sih. Kadang aku tuh suka males ambil foto, padahal alat gedornya foodblogger tuh ya apa lagi kalo bukan foto makanannya yang indah, hahaha. Jadi keinget pas meetup blogger beberapa waktu lalu, aku aja sampe 'terasingkan' sementara pas semuanya sibuk gantian ambil foto, hahaha.

    Tapi gapapa, aku malah seneng bisa ketemu temen-temen yang punya hobi serupa. Dan yaah, menyadari bahwa ambil foto sebelum makan is a kinda normal things to do.

  10. Sesungguhnya, emang sepenting itu foto-foto makanan. Semacam memberi gambaran awal buat kita yang mau makan di resto. Apalagi, kita yang ingin makan enak. Dari foto makanan, kita bakal tahu akan ngiler atau nggak melihatnya.

  11. Aku baru sekitar satu tahunan ini mencoba belajar take foto makanan dan waaww amazing susah ternyata membikin foto makanan atau minuman yang menggiurkan.

    Makanya selalu salut sama food blogger yang pinter ambil angle dan take foto serta video makanan dengan sangat epic serta di kasih detail info. Intinya apresiasi banget sama para food blogger atas segala sajian foto dan info detailnya 🥰

  12. aku pernah sebel sama diriku sendiri hahaha, cuman gara-gara melihat hasil foto makanan yang aku potret kayak kurang estetik. Memang perlu jiwa seni juga ya, meskipun misalnya hape kita sama dengan punya temen, tapi hasil foto temen terlihat apik gitu

    semakin kesini, aku juga banyak belajar dari temen-temen yang doyan motoin makanan, gimana ngambil angle yang oke, biar terlihat menarik

  13. Iya ya dulu kita dipandang aneh karena mengambil foto makanan, bahkan ada yang sengit dan julid, Alhamdulillah sekarang malah semuanya begitu karena kemajuan media sosial wkwk memang lebih puas baca tentang tempat kuliner di blog lebih lengkap hingga suasananya pun tergambarkan

  14. Iya mbak Rua, di zaman serba medsos begini, masih ada memang yang beranggapan aneh kalo kita moto makanan sebelum memakannya. Aku selalu seperti itu. Sebelum makan pasti aku foto dulu. Anak-anak dan keluarga udah ngerti. Asal jangan kelamaan aja motonya. Tapi aduh, aku malesnya minta ampun untuk edit. Jadinya banyak foto makanan yang malah tersimpen aja di galeri, dan belom aku upload ke medsos. Kecuali yang dibayar tentu. Kudu mulai lagi ah, lumayan deh buat kenang-kenangan, dan iya, bikin seneng para penjualnya.

  15. If there is an invitation to coming a restaurant, I always salute those who are food blogger entusiasts. Because the effort and the angle and style always make it perfect.
    So really good content is content that is presented with sincerity and love.

  16. Dari dulu saya suka banget lihatin foto-foto makanan yang diupload banyak orang apalagi yang profesional gambarnya, menarik sekali, menggugah selera makan dan membuat saya jadi tertarik dengan foo photography, bisa belajar bagaimana membuat makanan menarik karena dilihatd air beberapa angel


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